Rach J

Easter is a time that brings chocolate Easter eggs, pretty spring things and chicks&bunnies... and often the Cross is thrown in for good measure, just to make sure the religious bit is added in. The Cross is the central symbol of Easter and I believe that that’s how it should be. But what frustrates me (and I’ve chatted to a couple of people about this) is the fact that we try to make the Cross look pretty. There are hundreds of different designs, sizes, colours etc that you can wear round your neck or hang up on your walls (one illustration is pictured above).

But the Cross was not cute.

The Cross was gruesome.

The Cross was heartache.

But the Cross was definitely not cute.

Once again as I look to the Cross I find myself completely humbled. I am humbled by this love story sent down in the form of Jesus from God.

It was a bloody sacrifice.

The truth that has pulled at my heart this Easter is the fact that even if I was the only person Jesus had to die for, God would have still let it happen.

He would have hung there taking in His last excruciating breath so that He could have a relationship with me. So that the barrier of sin would be broken down and I could receive His love and be forgiven.

I find that truth so hard to believe because I am so so unworthy of this sacrifice and the cost that God had to pay.

I don’t deserve grace.

I don’t deserve forgiveness.

I don’t deserve love.

But Jesus went through the trauma of the Cross even though I/we don’t deserve it.

Over this weekend I have been blessed by solid and encouraging teaching by Paul B on the Easter Story. I attended a Good Friday service that Paul was speaking at and God moved in my heart that night. (Hence the awesome title of this post from Paul’s sermon title). It is only now that I can begin to reflect and figure out what happened. A theme that seems to be running throughout my life at the moment is honesty. I need to be more honest about my relationship with God, in my relationship with God, with my feelings and in my relationships with people. And there on Friday night God reminded me to be real about the condition of my heart with Him and to stop hiding. Sometimes hiding can be the easy option because that way I don’t have to deal with myself, or what God is doing in my life. It’s very easy to get caught up in the doing and not the being. And even when I’m trying to just be with Jesus...I’m still doing something, like journaling, reading, praying (all of which are great) but I think I need to be more silent with God. I need to soak up His presence, power and love.

The amazingly incredible thing is, is that despite all my trying... all God wants is me.

That is scary but also liberating.

I can’t even begin to put into words how thankful I am that Christ did die to set me free and to give me not just everlasting life but a relationship with Him here and now.

But the act of the Cross did not end with Christ’s final breath as darkness covered the earth.

But it was 3 days later...

“The stone it has been moved, the grave is now a groove, all debts are removed” Bono

Jesus conquered the grave, He arose from the cling of death.

Why is this so important?

Well if Jesus hadn’t risen then He wouldn’t be Jesus.

He would just be some wise guy who talked the talked but didn’t walk the walk.

He is our Saviour and He is mighty to save.

“Jesus’ tomb was empty, so our lives could be full” Paul B

It is necessary to reflect and be humbled by the Cross but there comes a time when I have to move out of grieving for the Cross and into the celebration of the resurrection. (Please don't misunderstand me I'm not belitting the cross here in anyway!) There comes a time when I have to accept God’s forgiveness and total unconditional love and acceptance for me.

That time is now.

I will leave you with my favourite ‘Cross’ song, listen here and also this one here...

When I survey the wondrous cross,
On which the Prince of glory died,
My richest gain I count but loss,
And pour contempt on all my pride.

Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast,
Save in the death of Christ my God!
All the vain things that charm me most,
I sacrifice them to His blood.

See from His head, His hands, His feet,
Sorrow and love flow mingled down!
Did e’er such love and sorrow meet,
Or thorns compose so rich a crown?

Were the whole realm of nature mine,
That were a present far too small;
Love so amazing, so divine,
Demands my soul, my life, my all.
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