Rach J
If you know me pretty well I'm sure over the past month or so you have heard me say in an excited voice 'I love this time of year...I love autumn...I love leaves...I love the changing colours' Or something a long those lines.

Why do I love Autumn so much?

Autumn makes me fall in love with Jesus all over again.

Don't get me wrong I do like every season for different reasons but I love Autumn.

I adore watching the leaves gently fall from the trees landing delicately onto the ground. I love walking down streets lined with orange, brown, auburn and yellow crunchy leaves. I love the contrast of colours between rich green fields and burnt orange trees. I also love getting to wrap up warm in cosy jumpers, coats, scarves and gloves as the winter chill winds through the almost bare trees.

All of this reminds me of what a creative God I live for.

One day I was driving in my car and I was watching the leaves fall and it lead me to think...God knew exactly when that leaf was going to fall off the tree. He knew exactly when it would change colour, what colour it would change to and when it would land on the ground. He knew every intricate detail about that leaf. (Some of you may be thinking wow that's a lot to get out of a stupid leaf.) But the mystery and divine control displayed in this season is deeply profound to me.

Autumn reminds me that God is in control.

Even when everything around changes, He stays the same.

If God is so concerned about how and when the leaves fall then how much more is He concerned about ...my failings, my mistakes, my struggles, my fears, my life. (Matthew 6:25-34)

I cannot wait for the day when I can experience Autumn in another country (such as America, I've seen the photos and it looks incredible)

I have managed to get a couple of shots from this beautiful time of year (most of the time here in Ireland you can only find one tree that displays autumn rather than a whole forest!) Some are my own shots and others are ones that I've found and adore.

Sheer joy.

Winter is definitely arriving and I'm sad to wave Autumn goodbye but I'm thankful for the lessons I've learnt from this wonderful season!
2 Responses
  1. Rach Says:

    Rach, your photos are unbelievably stunning! I'm hoping autumn hangs around here until you visit..


  2. Paci thank you for putting into words what I've been feeling this past month! Love all the photos and colors...and love the thought of next fall =) I love you!