Rach J
On the 24th March I turned 21.

It was such a precious day.

I don't think I can remember a time when I have felt more loved and blessed, ever. From 7am until 12pm I recieved texts, facebooks comments and even a phonecall from my dear friend Lauren in America. From the moment I stepped out of bed I was lavished with signs of love. A 'Happy 21st balloon' and sunflowers greeted me with a smile at my bedroom door. From the top of the stairs I could see a pile of gifts awaitng me and as I walked into the kicthen I spotted balloons and banners on our gates. It was exciting.

A fun filled day awaited me with hair appointments, dressing up, being with friends and going to a fancy tea party!
I am so thankful I got to share my 21st with some of my closest friends and in such a perfect way. We attended the Merchant Hotel for Afternoon Tea.
We where waited on hand and foot. Silver tea pots and tea strainers, along with fancy sugar lumps. The food was divine and presented beautifully.
The Great Room is spectaluar, dressed up in gold, sparkles, paintings and chandeliers. Fit for a princess. It was fun to do something fancy and out of the ordinary and we loved taking several pictures.

After a quick run to pick up some cupcakes for a birthday cake, I meet my family for a meal.
 It was lovely to spend time with them and to take pictures with them and show them all the photos I had taken that day.

On this day, I felt special.

All of the signs of love I experienced on this day have left me thinking... I bet God shows me signs of love everyday that I rarely take any notice of. He uses paintings in the sky, songs, photos and often people to show His love to me.

Often my response is to shrug it of, but I want to learn to simply embrace His love and thank Him.

This is my challenge.
It won't be easy, but it will be exciting.


~I would like to thank all of you who made my birthday so deeply precious. I am incredibly blessed to have you in my life. I was SO overwhelemed by your generosity, care and love you poured over this day. This day has kept me going over the past few weeks as deadlines loomed I have drifted back to the memories of love that surrounded that day and I have sighed and continued writing. Thank you for giving me the gift of sweet memories. I can't wait to do the same for you on your birthday!

(I have so many posts in my head right now, but things have slowed down a little bit on the degree front so hopefully I will be able to write again soon!)