Rach J
Each year that Christmas returns I find myself more and more amazed and drawn into the story of the divine becoming human. Over the past month I have been reading (on and off due to ridiculous work loads) ‘God Came Near’ by Max Lucado. A dear friend (Petra Hr) recommended it to me and I am so thankful that she did. I am half way through and after every chapter up until now I have wept.
Tears of joy. 
Tears of guilt.
Tears of amazement.
Tears of realizing this story is truly real.
Lucado is gifted writer, he has the ability to draw you into moments of Jesus life as if you were standing right there beside him....and often I’ve longed for that to be real. I think it would have been incredible to actually have witnessed Jesus in the flesh but still know what we know about Him today. But I am insanely excited to meet Him one day in heaven, which will be SO much better! 
I want to share with you some of my favourite quotes from the book thus far...
The birth of Jesus
“God entered the world as a baby. And a more lowly place of birth could not exist”
“Majesty in the midst of mundane.”
“His golden throne room had been abadoned in favour of a dirty sheep pen.”
“Those who missed the Majesty’s arrival that night missed it not because of evil acts or malice; no they missed it because they simply weren’t looking. Little has changed in the last two thousand years, has it?”
“He who was larger than the universe became an embryo.”
Baby born to die
“If there was hesitation on the part of his humanity, it was overcome by the compassion of his divinity. His divinity heard the hopeless cries of the poor, the bitter accusations of the abandoned, the dangling despair of these who are trying to save themselves.”
“And you can be sure of one thing. Among the voices that found their way into that carpentry shop in Nazareth was your voice...” (p33 incase want to add more)
Just call me Jesus
“There was not one person who was reluctant to approach him for the fear of rejection.”
This book has unveiled the christmas card image and nativity scenes from my mind. I have seen the Christmas story from a new perspective and my prayer is that my perspective of life in general and my role in this world would be widened and deepened. 
As well as reading this book I have listened to an array of Christmas songs. One that was introduced to me this year was written by Pastor Rick McKinley and I had the honour (even though I don’t think I managed to do it justice) of singing in Church on Boxing day called ‘This Child (He Reigns)’. 
Infinite love and deity, born with His eyes on Calvary
Equality with God lay down, born to wear a servants crown
A babe to grow and bear my nails
Infinite love will prevail, infinite love will prevail
Creator God in creation lay, Angelic choirs rise to say
Glory to our God who is most high
Here is the child that was born to die and rise and 
Reign forever more, He reigns forever more
See the babe and hear His cry
The gaze of the Father in His eyes
In Supreme desire He comes, Ancient of days lying young
Our sin His mission to prevail, in sacrifice He’ll conquer hell
In sacrifice He’ll conquer hell
Creator God in creation lay, Angelic choirs rise to say
Glory to our God who is most high
Here is the child that was born to die and rise and 
Reign forever more, He reigns forever more
This song paints a picture of the reality of Jesus’ purpose. God had planned that Jesus would come into the world as a baby and die. That was his mandate, calling and purpose for living. This song is laced with deep truth, one that touched my heart is the last line of the chorus ‘He reigns forever more.’ I had practiced this song a bunch of times before the morning we sang it but the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart on Boxing day, and as I sang that last line for the last time my eyes filled with tears. Jesus fulfilled God’s purpose. He lived as a man and died but He rose again and reigns. 
He reigns forever more.
Let that sink in a moment. 
He reigns forever more.
That means every day that I wake up Jesus reigns with God.
No matter how I feel, what’s going on in my life, where I am, what I am doing, or the lack of not knowing what I’m doing...
He reigns.
He watches over me, smiles and dances.
He walks with me through the difficult journey of life because He knows the reality of the difficulties but offers me peace, hope and love that never fails.
This was a soul awakening moment for me, I knew that God reigns on high. I had been brought up knowing that but in that moment I believed it from the depth of my soul. 
Even though the Christmas season is slipping away for another year the awakenings that have touched my heart will remain with me throughout the year.

Here are some of a few of my favourite shots from the festive season:

I hope and pray that you had a Christ filled Christmas filled with love, joy, peace and hope that only Jesus can give.
1 Response
  1. Paul B Says:

    Love it! Great Pics too!