Rach J
Over the past few weeks (or should I say years but increasing these past weeks)

God has been telling me...

'Trust Me'

He has been making His point clear through different people, circumstances and situations.

You see every now and then I sit back and realise 'Wow. I am in my final semester of final year.'

This excites me but also scares me. I know fear should not limit me and it sure doesn't limit God but it is a crazy thing to trust beyond yourself, especially when so many times you've been hurt by trusting others.

But God is whispering...

'Trust Me'

He whispers through the beauty of His creation, through songs, through study, through ministry and people.

This is my prayer field, it's near my house. When I am confused, damaged, broken or lost I go here to be reminded that God is bigger. His love is vast and His care and provision for me is unending. It is this place that God has whispered to my soul rest in Me. It's not always a comfortable place to be but I know uncomfortable means growth, and I want to grow deeper with Him in anyway I can.

It's hard to live in the tension at the moment between finishing this degree and trying to figure out what comes next.

I want to be fully dedicated to the now so that I don't miss anything but I can't help dreaming (also worrying) about what comes next. Most days I feel pressured to try and figure that out from others around me.

I can't answer that question yet and I'm asking God to help me be ok with that. All I know is that I want to glory Him in everything I do and show people a glimpse of the Love that He has shown me that has completely changed my life.

I know God is preparing me, I just don't know what for....yet.

And right now I don't even think knowing is important...

Trusting is important.

Believing God's promises for me and trusting that He is enough is important.

And in that proccess I know God will lead me where He wants me to go.

So if you read this, please pray for me. Pray that I would take the leap and trust God not only for the future but daily. Thanks friends.

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2 Responses
  1. Christy Says:

    You have no idea how encouraging this post is to me, i see so much of myself in it, its nice to know i'm not alone :)

  2. Rach Says:

    Love this. Love you. Praying.