Rach J
Today I had my penultimate final...I have been pretty stressed about this exam the past couple of weeks because the topics were pretty difficult and our lecturer hadn't given us great exam pointers.

Anyways, I choose 2 topics...studied hard and prayed hard that both of them would appear...I opened up the exam paper and my smile grew large (which is a pretty big deal in an exam) and both of my topics were there that I had studied for.

I literally said 'Praise God'

I started planning my answers and God really answered my prayer in that I remembered a lot more information than I thought I would.

I am very thankful.

It reminded me that God really does care about every minute detail of my life.

As I prepared for this exam there were times where I wanted desperately to give up, but all of a sudden I would feel my body grow stronger and the pressure around my head would lift...I know this was the power of prayer from many people who have been faithful in covering me in prayer.

My heart is so grateful to all of you who have specifically remembered me throughout the preparations and this week as I sit exams.

I would have given up a long time ago if it were not for you!

I have been so blessed by my family this week too. When I woke up this morning my mum had left me a note and it was as if it was penned by God Himself. Her words inspired, encouraged and gave me confidence to memorise facts and knowledge this morning before I took the exam. Thank you mum!

Also on the journey to the exam my big brother called me to wish me luck...luck? huh? I did tell him I don't believe in luck...but at that point I would take anything! haha. (just kidding, still don't believe in luck) But it was very sweet of him to not only think of me but to take the time to call me before and then he called me after to check how it went. Thank you bro!

I am exhausted. But I know I will feel ready in the morning to study...one.last.time. It feels great to write those words!

Please continue to pray for me, I am truly and deeply grateful!

Rach J
Bringing me hope...

Rach J
A question I ponder a lot from various angles...

"Will you remember me?"

I think we all long to be remembered...for various reasons and by different people for different things.
Mostly though, I want to God to remember me.
And I want to be remembered in this life because of how He transformed me.
I am struggling right now with being transformed, because it's painful, it hurts and it sure ain't pretty.
And sometimes I doubt whether it's even worth it.

But through the journey I remember God's promises...

He will never leave me
He will never drop me
He will never abandon me
He desires what is best for me
It is impossible for Him not to care

As I write this a song I've never listened to is playing and I can't believe how perfect it is...

Give me something brighter
Give me something I can see

Give me something vicious
Give me something I can be
Give me all the love and peace
To end these wars
Give me something sacred
Something worth fighting for
It's clear enough to me
The ugliness I see
Is evidence of who I need

Give me an answer
Give me the way out
Give me the faith
To believe in these hard times

Give me motivation
Give me all my heart's desires
Show me something gorgeous
Show me 'til my eyes get tired
Give me all the drums and
Show me how to play them loud
Show me how to move
When I can't feel that you're around

It's clear enough to me
The ugliness I see
Is evidence of who I need

Give me the answer
Give me the way out
Give me the faith
To believe in these hard times

We hide like thieves in shadows
Scared of the sun
'Cause we know the light will find us
and all we've done

Give me an answer
Give me a way out
Give me the faith
To believe in these hard times

                                           ~Need to Breathe 'These hard times'
Rach J

"Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life." ~Proverbs 4:23

Rach J
I love driving... for many reasons but one of them is because its where I spend most time listening to music. At the start of this week I choose an album that I hadn't listened to in a while and I knew would do my soul good.

It is 'Jesus and Justice' by Brian Houston. It is a wonderful collection of old hymns and beautiful written lyrics by Houston himself. I love Brian's sound and his talent in breathing musical creativity into timeless words.

The theme of the next 10 days for me is worry, stress and fear as exams draw ever closer. But throughout the past few days I have heard God whisper, come to Me...tell Me about your struggles...because I care for you! (1 Peter 5:7)

One song in particular reminded me of God's constant care and desire to lift our burdens from us and give us peace. It also reminded me of the times I needlessly forfeit peace from God because I don't share my heart and worries with Him. So today I have carried everything to Him in prayer knowing that He is big enough, strong enough and willing to carry my burdens with me.

What A Friend We have in Jesus:

What a friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
Ev'rything to God in prayer!
Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
Oh what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Ev'rything to God in prayer!

Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged,
Take it to the Lord in prayer:
Can we find a friend so faithful
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus Knows our every weakness,
Take it to the Lord in prayer.

Are we weak and heavy laden,
Cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Saviour, still our refuge;
Take it to the Lord in prayer:
Do thy friends despise, forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer;
In His arms He'll take and shield thee;
Thou wilt find a solace there.


One more thing, I had a wonderful day today....mostly because of photos. First of all Corey and I had a Photo Booth session, it was so adorable....Corey would wait for the 3...2...1....countdown and would make several poses. He is just so amazing. Then at dship we celebrated Petra's time with us this year by taking photos together around Saintfield. It was so much fun! I love you girls!

I hope you're all doing well and those of you who are doing exams are surviving! My sympathy and support are with each one of you :)
Rach J
This was a big day for me today. 
Today I felt achievement.

I got the go ahead to print my dissertation from my supervisor this morning so after last minute tweaking I printed 40 pages (times two) and journeyed to Queens to get it all bound. It looked great.
I am so happy that I got to share this moment of joy with two wonderful ladies, as we walked over to the Theology office I kept wanting to pinch myself...somehow this didn't seem real.

I remember deliberating the decision whether to undertake the task of a dissertation...10,000 words sounded like a lot. I even remember my first meeting with my supervisor and feeling completely daunted by his intelligence and thinking 'why on earth did I agree to do this?'
But I am so thankful I did do it, I have learnt so much along the way. This is probably the only assignment that I have enjoyed both reading and writing for.

At times it was hard to want to keep going because I felt so burdened by the fact that what the church perceives discipleship to be today is not what I think Jesus had in mind when he called the first disciples. As I reflected I became frustrated.

But there is a way out, we need to refocus on our Founder and how he journeyed with his disciples.
Anyways, I won't start to try and condense 10,000 words because my head is way too sore for that right now...so if you wish to read my attempt to study Jesus' discipleship model let me know and I'll drop it to you in an email.

Thank you to all who supported me throughout this time of reading, writing and ranting. I couldn't have done it without you!

Rach J
I have set myself a challenge, over the next 2 weeks as I finish my degree with 2 exams I would like to blog each day a thought, song or quote that has challenged, moved, annoyed or inspired me. I don't know how realistic it is to make a commitment to write something every day, but I will give it a shot.

I hope that through my random musings, findings or thoughts that you too may be encouraged.

Today is a quote from a reading that I'm going through in preparation for my Pastoral Care exam....the theme is stories and how we use them in our everyday lives to express meaning, communicate with one another and make sense of our world. I love listening to people and hearing the story of their life so studying for this question on my exam isn't too much of a chore, although the danger will be that i'll want to spend too much time on it!

“Through narrative, we become spiritual travellers undaunted by time, distance, or new landscapes. It is as if stories have mystical power to invite us, willingly or unwillingly, to enter unknown worlds.” p.4 Anderson and Foley 'Mighty Stories, Dangerous Rituals

I adore this quote, as I read it I'm drawn into a mystical world in my imagination. I can't tell of the times that I have been drawn into stories this way, real and fiction. Stories are powerful because they connect people, and we are connected to God through His story of redemption. 

I love knowing that I belong to a story that is way bigger than myself. And as I reflect on my life at this current moment I know that a chapter is about to end...and I have no idea what the next chapter looks like but I know I am excited, I know I'm scared but I also know that "Our God is greater, Our God is higher, Our God is greater than any other. Our God is healer, awesome in power. Our God."