Rach J
I have set myself a challenge, over the next 2 weeks as I finish my degree with 2 exams I would like to blog each day a thought, song or quote that has challenged, moved, annoyed or inspired me. I don't know how realistic it is to make a commitment to write something every day, but I will give it a shot.

I hope that through my random musings, findings or thoughts that you too may be encouraged.

Today is a quote from a reading that I'm going through in preparation for my Pastoral Care exam....the theme is stories and how we use them in our everyday lives to express meaning, communicate with one another and make sense of our world. I love listening to people and hearing the story of their life so studying for this question on my exam isn't too much of a chore, although the danger will be that i'll want to spend too much time on it!

“Through narrative, we become spiritual travellers undaunted by time, distance, or new landscapes. It is as if stories have mystical power to invite us, willingly or unwillingly, to enter unknown worlds.” p.4 Anderson and Foley 'Mighty Stories, Dangerous Rituals

I adore this quote, as I read it I'm drawn into a mystical world in my imagination. I can't tell of the times that I have been drawn into stories this way, real and fiction. Stories are powerful because they connect people, and we are connected to God through His story of redemption. 

I love knowing that I belong to a story that is way bigger than myself. And as I reflect on my life at this current moment I know that a chapter is about to end...and I have no idea what the next chapter looks like but I know I am excited, I know I'm scared but I also know that "Our God is greater, Our God is higher, Our God is greater than any other. Our God is healer, awesome in power. Our God." 

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