Rach J
Today I had my penultimate final...I have been pretty stressed about this exam the past couple of weeks because the topics were pretty difficult and our lecturer hadn't given us great exam pointers.

Anyways, I choose 2 topics...studied hard and prayed hard that both of them would appear...I opened up the exam paper and my smile grew large (which is a pretty big deal in an exam) and both of my topics were there that I had studied for.

I literally said 'Praise God'

I started planning my answers and God really answered my prayer in that I remembered a lot more information than I thought I would.

I am very thankful.

It reminded me that God really does care about every minute detail of my life.

As I prepared for this exam there were times where I wanted desperately to give up, but all of a sudden I would feel my body grow stronger and the pressure around my head would lift...I know this was the power of prayer from many people who have been faithful in covering me in prayer.

My heart is so grateful to all of you who have specifically remembered me throughout the preparations and this week as I sit exams.

I would have given up a long time ago if it were not for you!

I have been so blessed by my family this week too. When I woke up this morning my mum had left me a note and it was as if it was penned by God Himself. Her words inspired, encouraged and gave me confidence to memorise facts and knowledge this morning before I took the exam. Thank you mum!

Also on the journey to the exam my big brother called me to wish me luck...luck? huh? I did tell him I don't believe in luck...but at that point I would take anything! haha. (just kidding, still don't believe in luck) But it was very sweet of him to not only think of me but to take the time to call me before and then he called me after to check how it went. Thank you bro!

I am exhausted. But I know I will feel ready in the morning to study...one.last.time. It feels great to write those words!

Please continue to pray for me, I am truly and deeply grateful!

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